What is it?
The Foundation supports a number of long-term projects with credible partners by which to deliver its key objectives. Applications must meet the following criteria:
- Distinctive and innovative projects where the Foundation is driving long-term change to deliver one or more of the Foundation’s strategic objectives.
- Developing sustainable change or business models.
- Leveraging wider support.
- Clear recognition for the Foundation’s role in order to support its wider strategic priorities and vision.
Where We Work
Our priority countries
United Kingdom
Enabling young people with our Sheikh Family Scholarships at University of Warwick, Downing College, Cambridge and St Anne’s College, Oxford, as well as the Oxford Pakistan Partnership and Naz Legacy.
Enabling young people through enterprise with the King’s Trust.
Empowering women and girls with Cycle Sisters.
Building sustainable communities with our hardship grants, Iron Aid Foundation, Hertfordshire Community Foundation and the Ramadan Tent Project.
Enabling young people through Deaf Reach Schools and Family Educational Services Foundation, the Read Foundation and the King’s Trust International Enterprise Challenge Pakistan.
Empowering women and girls with Seed Ventures and GEAR Trust.
Building sustainable communities with the flagship Fahmida Begum Foundation and The Noor Project.
Supporting children and young people with EACDT and Advantage Africa.
Empowering women and girls with Women & Children First.
Building sustainable communities with the Shamakha Foundation.
Building sustainable communities in Bangladesh with Carers Worldwide and enabling young people to achieve at the Nabiganj Madrasha.
Enabling young people to realise their potential at Ghazipur Children’s Centre in India and with the Join Hands Trust.
Building sustainable communities in Uganda with the SWIHA Foundation.
Building sustainable communities with Hatcliffe Extension Charitable Trust in Zimbabwe.
Empowering women and girls with Plan International UK in Zimbabwe and African Gifted in Ghana.
partners have been supported with major grants.
people have benefited since 2018.
beneficiaries impacted through partners in 22/23.

The application form has four sections. Each section must be completed in full.
This form is to be used by employees of organisations that wish to apply for funding from the Major Grants Fund at the COSARAF Foundation.
Please ensure you attach a pdf copy of your latest annual report and accounts with your application and a link to your primary website.
Please ensure you provide your logo.
Project summary
Please provide a broad overview of your project and how this fits with the wider objectives of your organisation. [200 words]
Please provide details of the projects for which you are seeking support. Please consider the following areas: [750 words]
- What are you hoping to achieve
- Who will benefit and how
- Project duration and timeframes
- Project location
- Delivery partners – please summarise your full or part reliance on third party delivery partners or sub-contractors, where applicable.
- How do you intend to publicise this project
Please detail how your proposal aligns with the Foundation’s priorities
Please demonstrate how this project aligns with one or more of our priority areas [200 words]:
- Cohesive Communities
- Young People
- Women & Girls
Please detail the evidence of the need for the project [100 words]
Attach a Theory of Change or discuss your rationale here. Please provide detailed specific evidence, preferably backed up by independent research, of why your project is required and why and how your approach will address that need.
Please describe the change that the project will deliver, including specific targets [150 words]
Please discuss here in as much detail as you can:
- Expected outputs and outcomes
- Proposed key performance indicators
- Detail of key milestones
Please ensure that you provide specific, quantifiable targets against which you will be able to demonstrate success in a rigorous fashion.
How will you measure the success of the project? [150 words]
Outline your Project evaluation plan here.
Why is your organisation best-suited to deliver this project? [100 words]
Please outline your organisation’s’ expertise and experience in delivering this project.
What is the total cost of the project?
Please state the total cost of the project. If you are applying for funding over multiple years please provide a breakdown by year.
What is the grant amount you are requesting?
Please detail how much funding you are applying for. If you are applying for funding over multiple years please provide a breakdown by year.
Are you applying for Zakat funds, Sadaqah Funds or both?
Please refer to our Zakat Distribution Policy if seeking Zakat funding and explain how your project meets the requirements of the Policy.
Please demonstrate how any investment by the Foundation will leverage additional investment. [150 words]
The Foundation favours projects where its funding will unlock additional funding so please explain how you will secure additional funding if the Foundation supports your project. As well as any additional/matched cash support, please detail any support in kind that the Foundation’s support would unlock.
Please also outline how you would plan to sustain the project after any potential funding from the COSARAF Foundation ends.
Please attach an outline budget breakdown.
Please answer this question in full. Please include:
- What percentage of the total project cost are you requesting?
- Details of other funding / project partners where applicable.
- The funding of core costs, as part of a broader funding agreement, fits within the COSARAF Foundation criteria. Please state what percentage of the total funding will be spent on core costs and overheads.
- A clear split between Zakat and Sadaqah funds if you are applying for both