
“Before I joined The Prince’s Trust, my whole life was a complete mess. I didn’t know what to do with myself and felt like I’d hit a brick wall. I was unemployed, my mental health was deteriorating, I was gaining weight and I had given up so much hope for everything in life.”

Tom then started to explore self-employment with an initial idea of creating an online platform for the disabled community. After seeking help from a government business support scheme, Tom found he wasn’t offered adequate practical help or support with how to move forward with his idea and was left feeling highly discouraged. “It made me feel like what I wanted to do was impossible. Instead of helping me, it just made me feel like giving up.”

“The Enterprise programme was nothing in comparison. I found the workshop so informative and it was great to meet other hopeful entrepreneurs who were all in the same boat as me and instantly felt as though I had made the right decision in joining. I felt like I was actually getting somewhere with my business and could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“The support from my programme lead was invaluable and she has helped me build on my passion and skill in design into the business I have today. I had always loved design and had built quite a large portfolio over the years and not even realised it, nor had the confidence of ever taking it forward as a business; until then.” Fast forward a few months and Pixel Valley was born.

Tom credits the programme and support he received as not only being able to establish himself as a business owner, but for the positive impact it has had on his overall mental health and wellbeing too with being able to take back control in other aspects of his life too. “I want to use my experiences I have to help other young entrepreneurs starting their own businesses.”

“As I look to the future, it is brighter than I could ever have imagined. I have a business and job I love, my health both physically and mentally has never been better and feel like my life is back on track. Where I used to dread getting out of bed in the morning, I can’t wait to see what the day will bring”.