Hafsa Zadran


After successfully completing a comprehensive study of Islamic theology at a Dar-u- Uloom (Islamic seminary), Hafsa began to teach Islamic sciences. The quest for learning is a fundamental factor in Islamic education. This is why along with the teaching, Hafsa’s goal after graduating was to continue studying to acquire advance knowledge and understanding of the background literature in the area of Islamic education and professional practice.

Hafsa commented…‘I was aware that I lacked important teaching skills, like being a good leader and leading by influence. As a result, I became interested in the University of Warwick’s Islamic Education course but found myself faced with the financial challenges of perusing this further development in my career.

However, the COSARAF foundation funding my degree was a dream come true. It meant that I was able to attain the education I really needed and massively reduced the risk of me dropping out.

I worked hard in my postgraduate study surrounded by a focused and tenacious group of like-minded individuals with a shared interest in bettering Islamic education for young Muslims in the UK.

Thanks to the contribution of the scholarship, I was able to complete my degree with a distinction and gained a variety of skills, that will continue to serve me as an educator for years to come.

Today, I strive hard to continue learning and teaching, to make the Darul Uloom experience an even better one for those in my care. This scholarship has made a significant contribution to my personal and professional development. It opened the doors for me to higher education that I previously didn’t have access to, and as a result, has empowered me to provide every one of my students with the education they deserve.’